HatBlack Agenda

HatBlack Handout

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

The meeting will be held on January 10, 2024 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm at the Nelson Memorial Library (8521 Thomas Nelson Hwy, Lovingston, VA).  In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held the following day (January 11th) at the same time and location.

This meeting is to provide an overview of our follow up monitoring results, and discuss the process we used to establish phosphorus reduction targets for Black Creek.  Also, to discuss alternatives to TMDL development at the meeting, and more specifically, the option to develop a watershed plan for Hat and Black Creeks.  This plan would include all of the work that we have done in support of the study, but would take things a step further and include a plan to meet pollutant reduction targets with on the ground implementation actions.

Hat and Black Creek Community Engagement Meeting

Nelson Memorial Library, Lovingston VA
January 10, 2024, 3:00 p.m.


1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Update on progress since last meeting
a. Additional phosphorus monitoring results
b. Identifying a phosphorus endpoint for Black Creek
c. Shifting to a Watershed Restoration Plan
3. Sediment and phosphorus reduction goals
a. Review of selected sediment reduction scenario
b. Discussion of phosphorus reduction scenario
4. Key restoration plan components
5. Discussion of best management plans to consider for inclusion
6. Next steps

Contact information

Nesha McRae, TMDL Coordinator
DEQ Valley Regional Office